• September 9th to 12th, 25
  • São Paulo Expo | SP

Dedicated to the entire infrastructure of the electric sector, where the energy market and its consumers find complete technologies and solutions for energy efficiency and main energy sources.

A market in the midst of a transformation. FIEE Energy is introducing its wide variety of solutions, generation, transmission and distribution for energy consumption.

It is surely the place where the energy market and its consumers find solutions for the for the biggest energy sources, for centralized generation as well as distributed generation and energy cogeneration.


Currently, we have several sources of energy, and we can have different forms of generation, such as centralized, distributed and co-generated, find the best option for your consumption and your business.

We present solutions ranging from group of generators to the main sources of energy: Solar Photovoltaic, Wind, Hydro, Biomass and Gas

Energy solution companies bringing the best alternatives to various industries.

The entire infrastructure of the electrical sector requires specific equipment and technologies of electrical, electronics, automation and connectivity.

We present these solutions for all links in the GTD chain, the place where utilities, power plants, energy companies, integrators and specialists do business.  

They find specific solutions for each source and power generation, such as manufacturers and distributors of photovoltaic boards, inverters, transformers, cables, motors and components.

O armazenamento de energia é essencial para garantir suprimento contínuo de energia de determinadas fontes, e ainda proporciona benefícios para toda a cadeia de produção do setor elétrico, da geração ao consumo.

Apresentamos soluções em baterias, acumuladores e sistemas de armazenamento de energia.

Saiba como os consumidores do mercado livre compram energia dos geradores e comercializadores.

Encontre a condição mais adequada para o seu negócio.

Caminhando para um futuro mais sustentável, a mobilidade elétrica e conceitos de cidade inteligente são pontos fundamentais, e o setor elétrico e eletrônico deve estar lado a lado para esse desenvolvimento.

Conheça os fornecedores de infraestrutura e soluções para carregamento, tecnologias a favor da mobilidade, e dispositivos de conexão urbana.

Visitor Profile:

  • Builders and Developers
  • Transportation and Distribution Companies
  • States and Cities
  • Major Energy Consumers
  • Integrators and EPC Professionals
  • Investors
  • Energy Producers

Visitor interest:

48% Industrial and Power Generation Equipment
47% Automation
45% Connectivity and Technology
44% Electronics
41% Electricity
33% Solutions for Power Storage, Transmission and Distribution
26% Energy Sales, Services, Consulting and Projects
14% Electrical Mobility


In 2019, led by renowned specialists, the FIEE Energy content program was focused on discussing the biggest trends that are revolutionizing the energy market.

With the theme of "The Energy Transition and Digitalization of the Electrical Sector," the forum shared the vision of the Brazilian government and governments in other Latin American countries with society, the corporate sector, technical specialists and academia.

With 'Innovations in the Electrical Sector' as the main guideline, the following topics were discussed and debated: distributed energy, corridors for distribution of major energy blocks, electrical mobility and blockchain.

Panel discussions on regulatory, financial and environmental aspects in the electrical sector, as well as new technologies impacting Brazil's energy matrix.

Panels on: Brazil - Germany and European experiences in energy and sustainability.

We also had Exhibitor Workshops:

Promoted in conjunction with ABRACEEL, this space focused on generating business just for energy sellers to leverage their sales to major energy consumers in the Brazilian market.

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